643 Frederick Street
Hanover, PA 17331
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Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
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Meet The Team

Adam & Megan Kirkpatrick

Adam & Megan Kirkpatrick


Adam grew up locally and graduated from South Western High School. After high school he attended the Art Institute of York and graduated with a degree in graphic design. His work experience varies from fruit picking to customer service to welding but he ultimately found his calling when he was hired as the graphic designer at Image360 Hanover (Signs Now at the time). In 2008 he was able to fulfill his dream of being self employed by purchasing Image360 Hanover (Signs Now). As a “jack of all trades” he finds the business suits him perfectly. He loves the variety and challenges that come with finding the right solutions for customers’ projects. Megan grew up in Cockeysville, MD. The oldest of four girls, she graduated from Baltimore Lutheran School. She went on to attend Baltimore International College and graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Culinary Management. After getting married in 2012 and moving to Hanover she continued to work as a bakery manager and then catering coordinator. Today her job, in addition to being a wife and stay at home mother, is to support the business with her customer service experience. Adam and Megan have one beautiful kids, Charlotte and James. When away from the business they enjoy going to the beach, traveling and time spent with family.

Lynn Kirkpatrick

Lynn Kirkpatrick

Customer Service/Production

Lynn was working as a substitute teacher when Adam (her oldest son) asked her to join him when he purchased Image360 Hanover (Signs Now) in 2008. She happily joined him, but refused to fill out an application. Her official title is Customer Service but, like the rest of the team, she will pitch in wherever is needed. She has learned a variety of new skills over the years. She is excited to see and be a part of the business’s growth. She says it’s interesting to see the variety of work that is produced. Lynn enjoys spending time with her family, going to the beach and a variety of crafts. She is happy to help the team meet your signage needs.

Brady Mann

Brady Mann
